Property to build in Germany Seebach near Eisenach
Property for sale 4.500 m² to built houses (building permission is available) with little cottage, garage, water, gas, electricity phone, access roads to property from north and south sides of village,
Interesting hilly property in cultivated village with clean industry,
wide view into landscape, good shopping conditions
Neuen Beitrag vorschlagen
Anzeige | recreation area, 20 min. from Eisenach, 25 min. from highway A4, 40 Min. to airport Erfurt, 2,5 hours to airport Frankfurt/M. Proposals for using: Proposals for using: 1) One-Family House or up to 6 One-Family Houses, Bath-Pools at the hills 2) Herb-Garden or Pharmacy-Garden with One-Family House and Speciality-Shop 3) Pension with Restaurant and Dicel-Garden (little historical site Dr. Dicel – founder of church) 4) Medical-Houses and Doctor’s-Practices also for rent 5) Wellness-Hotel with Restaurant and Sauna near Engelsring 6) Solar-Energy-Garden on the great hill area to South-Southwest 7) Retirement-Home consist of assembled single houses at Engelsring 8) Excellence-Place near access road from Engelsring for: Medical-Practices, Shops, machine shops, studios, offices, pensions ... |
Preis | 149.000 |
Beschreibung | Property for sale 4.500 m² to built houses (building permission is available) with little cottage, garage, water, gas, electricity phone, access roads to property from north and south sides of village, Place Interesting hilly property in cultivated village with clean industry, wide view into landscape, good shopping conditions |
beigefügte Anlagen |
Rating | |
Ownership | Jörg Stapel |
Views | 553 sieht, 0 eingehende Klicks. Mittelwertbildung 0 sieht und 0 eingehende Klicks pro Tag. |
Similar Listings | |
Submission Date | 02.08.2010 - 21:26:59 (geändert 02.02.2017 - 09:57:48) |
Jörg Stapel's Mitglieder Status
Benutzergruppe: Mitglied
Bewertung: 4
Übermittelte Beiträge: 2 Beiträge, mit 0 HITS und 1479 Klicks
Kommentare: 0 (0 pro Tag)
Gesamt Online Zeit: 0 Tage, 1 Stunden und 46 Minuten
als letztes gesehen: 18.05.2010 - 01:51:27
Biografische Informationen
Kontakt Informationen
Baugrundstück Mitte DE Thüringen Seebach/Eisenach
Property to build in Germany Seebach near Eisenach
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